ATTENTION: Men Who Desire Freedom Without Compromise in Love and Relationships

Discover the Only Course That Teaches Integrity-Based Relating and Mature Masculinity


So You Can Build the Life and Relationships You Want with Honesty, Confidence, and Clarity in Just 3 Months

This initiation will equip you with the tools to build deep, committed unions while embracing romantic freedom. Learn how to lead your life with integrity, attract empowered women, and handle all the challenges that life and love bring your way.

Interview To Secure your Spot









Orientation: September 15th, 2024 at 7:00p CST

Class Starts: September 22nd, 2024 7:00p CST

Let's keep it 💯...

You want to feel confident in your masculinity.

You'd like to have access to an amazing life and women.

You would absolutely love it if you were the kind of man that was chosen by dope women.

There's only one problem.

To achieve those things, you need to level up as a man.

I'm not talking about making more money or getting a 6-pack.

I'm talking about learning real communication, leadership, and relationship skills and maturing in your masculinity.

But you're not sure what those tools are; sadly, your role models may not have been able to provide them either.

You don't know how to shift your mindset, have success with women, and achieve ease in relating.

The result is that you live in a perpetual pattern of disappointments with dating and women.

Until now, that only left you with a few options:

1️⃣ Listen to endless podcasters and gurus for advice even though these "mentors" usually don't succeed with women either.

2️⃣ Accept that this is as good as things will get and settle for mediocrity.

3️⃣ Invest countless hours learning, studying, and initiating yourself into manhood with decades of grueling and tireless work, reading, and practice.

I went with option 3. 

As I grew from a young man, I wanted to learn everything I could about relationship sciences, metaphysics, how the world works, and how that knowledge can help me have the best life and relationships possible.

So, I read dozens of texts, pledged myself to several brotherhoods (Shout out to Kappa Alpha Psi), studied under countless mentors and masters, learning lost knowledge about manhood, masculinity, energy, and sacred intimacy.

Things like... how to reconcile with mother trauma so it no longer haunts my relationships with to position myself as a man to be chosen by the kind of women I actually I could utilize my inane strengths as a man to fund my lifestyle and attract partners who are a match...essentially, how to become that man, real Kareem Abdul Jabbar stuff...

Then, I took all the most potent tools, and wisdom I learned and applied them to my life, and relationships, including my eventual marriage to my first wife.

The results were phenomenal:

  • I have an amazing open marriage with my life-long partner and wife of 30 years, where I have the freedom to relate openly to as many other women as I choose
  • I came into another marriage to my second wife of 5 years, she is a dime-piece, and a super-dope and powerful woman (many women wanted to play the wife position for me, but she stood out as the most powerful)
  • I’m one of the few men on the planet who has had real success in dating women -- without having to pay them off or compromise who I am. (in fact, I have had many women offer to buy me things over the years)
  • I have so many dope women who want to be my partner and/or wife that I could live another 2 or 3 more lifetimes and still not be able to be with them all!
  • I have been able to develop REAL mature masculinity and REAL skills that have women approaching me (many men feel entitled to be approached, but it's something that you have to earn every day
  • I have the kind of success and access to desirable women that most men dream of (It's not about being with these, women, it's about the fact that I even have access, which is more than most men can say)

Obviously, I was on the right path in my studies, and my hard work paid off.

That experience taught me that any man could succeed with women if only exposed to the right attitudes, mindsets, and tools!

That's why I created The Kingdom Ciphers Men's Initiation...
I'm ready to interview

Why The Kingdom Cipher is EXACTLY what you've been looking for. 

This 12-week men's initiation is designed to give you the tools to build your confidence, choose the best woman to be your Queen and life partner, and develop your masculinity to maturity. We aim to prepare you for everything life and dating might throw at you. 

The concepts covered in The Kingdom Cipher Initiation are vast and deep; you won't find this information anywhere else.

Topics range from managing that one remarkable woman in your life to managing multiple women, understanding why and how women choose you, and what they're looking for. You'll also find information on red flags in dating that indicate you're going down the wrong path.

Perhaps more importantly, The Kingdom Cipher Initiation will:

  • Save you TIME, ENERGY, AND MONEY spent in infuriating dating cycles (no more getting ghosted.)

  • Put an end to your reality of attracting so-so relationships that don't quite hit the mark.

  • Develop real, results-based confidence in yourself as a man that others can see and feel on you (none of that "fake it until you make it" BS)

  • Make relationships EASY by developing better communication and deeper consciousness (Enjoy coasting in relationships)

  • Help you attract new, dope, and powerful women and relationships

Interview for Admission

But don't just take my word for it. Read what other men have to say:

I had read much about how so many women were taking advantage of systems to improve their overall well being. Yet, I had known little of systems to improve the overall well being of men other than fraternities and membership in the NOI. I was elated to discover the work done for men in by Progressive Love. I initially joined to get a discount on a course, the Art of Oral. I learned so much about my nature, and began to address feeling of shame. Once the shame factor was addressed, I was able to master the course. I was impressed with other systems within the academy. As a Peaceful Warrior, I learned so much about my essential nature as a man. I learned the value of activating the masculine archetypes within myself. It was empowering to learn how to embrace the feminine qualities within myself rather than suppressing them. This actually helped me to become more powerful in my expression. Getting in touch with my feelings has helped me to become more balanced and to handle my anger issues much better. Being in the Peaceful Warrior Fellowship allowed me to deal with masculine energy and to better master my sexual nature. I learned lessons in finance. Expressing value and appreciation for the feminine qualities within myself allowed me to have a greater value for women in general. In short the Peaceful Warrior experience was enlightening. My time with the Progressive Love Academy was a worthwhile experience. I am so happy to know that Sanu is going to engage men and help men discover the deeper qualities of self. She is acutely qualified to deliver this knowledge. She is indeed a well-versed woman. I encourage men to take advantage of this golden opportunity to learn from a Goddess who has fully bloomed, like Sanu Stevens."

--Haleem Crawford., Omaha, NE, Peaceful Warrior Veteran since 2009

“Cipher is a unique resource offering a wealth of wisdom for men seeking to understand relationships and their roles as men. What stands out to me is the emphasis on understanding, not just knowledge. This deeper insight empowers men to overcome personal and relational challenges. One of the greatest benefits of the program is its focus on the mathematics behind masculine and feminine dynamics. Carl Stevens, aka Rakim, provides a scientific basis for decision-making and relationship-building. This approach has personally transformed my understanding and interactions. The Peaceful Warriors group prioritizes uplifting and aligning with the feminine rather than focusing on what women should do for men. This nurturing environment fosters growth and understanding. By applying the teachings, men can create the life they desire, improving their relationships and personal growth. The program also covers universal laws of engagement and commerce, providing tools for men to thrive in all aspects of life.”

--Satori Seals., Columbus, OH, Peaceful Warrior Veteran since 2012

“The Peaceful Warrior's group was an incredibly dope space that offered me a real understanding of my masculinity. Through the sessions, Rakhem offers a powerful perspective into what it truly means to be a man in today's world. The environment created by the men in this group was unique and supportive, very different to what you see in other masculine spaces on the internet... I believe that young men, in particular, will greatly benefit from joining this group. It provides them with the tools and wisdom needed to navigate their roles and relationships. This is an essential experience for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of masculine principles.”

--Chakory D., Houston, TX

As you can see, our Peaceful Warriors have changed their lives for the better through the tools and techniques they've taken on.

All the more reason you should take advantage of our...

First-Time Initiate Offer

You can continue to fall for quick-fix advice and pickup artist techniques, fixate on your physic, scroll through Tinder all day, wear a hyper-masculine mask that you can never take off, or go straight stoic -- but the cost is high, both in your time and energy and money.

I'm making The Kingdom Cipher available to save you significantly on all 3.

It costs just $1500 total—that's the cost of 15 dates that didn't go anywhere, 3 pick-up artist "masterclasses", a year of a gym membership that didn't improve your outcomes, and a FRACTION of a lifetime spent without the fulfilling relationships with women.

Header LogoWITH The Kingdom Cipher, YOU'LL GET: 

  • A well-rounded curriculum of 12, Live Courses Taught by Relationship Expert Rakhem Seku, and Certified Communication Coach Sanu Stevens

  • Group Mediation & Ritual

  • men's video library featuring weekly+ lessons from every step of my journey and insights from others in the mature masculine space

  • A community of other men in the self-improvement space to network and relate with

  • Online Portal to Access Call Recordings & Session Homework
  • Regular Action Steps for Maximum Results - We will give you an assignment after each session, and hold you accountable.
  • Kingdom Relationship & Structure Building - Whether you desire to manage one woman or many, we'll guide you in crafting a solid framework for your relationships.
  • Mate Selection & Attraction , you'll learn what free women  are looking for and how to vet women properly.

Imagine what it would be like to...

 ...Gain the ability to understand, process, and express your emotions while managing hers

 ...Organically increase your confidence through your results, knowledge, and consciousness 

 ...Develop real relationship skills tested and proven (no more pick-up lines or psychological games)

 ...Cultivate BALANCED masculinity. Achieve a harmonious balance between strength and vulnerability. Embrace a mature form of masculinity that allows you to be a steadfast leader while also being emotionally available and connected with your loved ones.

 ...see others willing to follow your leadership

You can have all of these things with The Kingdom Cipher

Plus, if you act today, I'll also include FREE exclusive access to Tantric Techniques I learned along my journey that will teach you how to actually touch a woman's body and control your libido. These techniques are simple, but still, most men get it wrong - simply because most of their intimacy training comes from fake scenes in adult films. The relationship know-how you'll gain in these 3+ hours of videos is equivalent to thousands of dollars worth of sensuality coaching.


You can continue to do the same thing you've been doing— waiting for the right woman to fall into your lap, making excuses for why you're not the common denominator, and listening to lost men -- who can't possibly give you directions somewhere they've never been.

Or you can invest your time in expertise that is proven through results. I've lived this lifestyle.

If you're ready to take your business to the next level, click the button below.

I'm ready to interview!

But don't wait!

There are only a limited number of spots available at this rate. Sign up today to lock in this special pricing.

Thanks for investing in yourself with The Kingdom Cipher

I know you won't regret it.


Rakhem Seku

Founder of Kingdom Cipher

PS I'm so confident you're going to love The Kingdom Cipher that I'm offering a 100% money-back guarantee within the first 14 days of the program. If you join Kingdom Cipher—and your life is not transformed by these principals—I will refund every penny of your purchase, no questions asked.